EDGT Online Testing
The purpose of EDGT's online tests is to give users a way to monitor the learning process. Several tests are included with each tutorial.
All of EDGT's tests are database driven and include questions with multiple choice answers. The testing window contains a simple navigation sidebar that tracks the user's progress throughout the test. Using the navigation bar also allows the user to verify or change any answer at any time during the test. To keep learners on their toes, all tests are presented in a random question order.
Upon completing a test, users are given immediate test performance results. Users also have the option of viewing a detailed explanation of their test. The detail shows all the questions, the chosen answer, the correct answer, and a rationale that gives the reasoning behind the correct answer.
Tools For Instructors
Instructors can retrieve their students' scores at any time. Using the utilities provided in their EDGT account, instructors can view their students' test scores in a number of ways. A simple interface allows the instructor to choose which students to view and which test scores to show. Students can be grouped into instructor-defined Student Groups. This eliminates the need for an instructor to view all student test scores at one given time.
A student can take each test multiple times and their score is recorded each time. In monitoring a student's progress, the instructor can choose to display all of these scores or only show the highest score or most recent score. The test results are displayed in a table-like format that can be printed out if so desired.
Feedback For Students
Students and single-users can also keep track of their progress using a similar utility in their EDGT account. Although learners may only view their own scores, they have similar options as instructors in displaying their multiple test score items.
Random Practice Tests
In addition to taking practice tests which cover a particular subject, students may also take a random practice test. A random practice test chooses ten random questions from the entire EDGT test question pool. The random questions can be fun and challenging, as well as testing the student's long term memory.
Benefits Of EDGT Online Testing...
Students and Single-Users:
- Can take the online tests at any time, from any location, using any computer system.
- Can repeat the online tests as many times as they like.
- Receive their test results immediately onscreen at the end of each test.
- Receive a detailed explanation of their test results onscreen including the number correct, the number incorrect, their answers, and the correct answer including a rationale.
- Are encouraged to provide us with feedback about the current tests and offer suggestions for additional test topics.
- Can take the online tests for evaluation purposes.
- Can see their own test results, which are separate from those of their students.
- Can retrieve all of their students' test results in an easy-to-read format and print these out if desired.
- Are encouraged to provide us with feedback about the current tests and offer suggestions for additional test topics.